Whether You’re a Small Business Looking for Opportunities,
or a Prime or Agency Seeking Small Businesses

The Small Business Exchange has the resources you need to succeed.



SBE Offers high-impact advertising, reaching the business-consumer market through print, electronic and online media, offering advertisers multi-level marketing



Diversity Outreach Services

SBE's nationwide 1,000,000+ database of certified businesses provides the basis for targeted outreach utilizing a powerful Cloud-based IBM platform for complete dated and timed reporting, customized to match client needs.


SBE Database

SBE maintains one of the largest SMB non-public databases in the nation! 
Data is sourced from federal, state and local certifying jurisdiction and contains
over 35 fields of information.



Business Resources

Resources include links to certifying agencies nationwide, news with continuing columns (Business Toolkit, Public Policy, Workforce Development, Access to Capital) And Events that include local SBDCs, MBECs and public/private sponsored events for small businesses.



SBE News

San Francisco successfully assists over 17,000 workers through labor enforcement and worker restitution

[ Article originally appeared in www.sf.gov ] City Administrator Carmen Chu today announced key leadership appointments to advance San Francisco’s data and technology initiatives. Soumya Kalra has been named Chief Data Officer, and Edward...

SBE Northeast

Louisiana Business JournalArchive