Public Legal Notices

Oakland Unified School District
Department of Facilities Planning and Management
955 High Street Oakland CA 94601
CEQA Consulting Services
for the CCPA Site Expansion Project
at Coliseum College Preparatory Academy
1390 66th Ave, Oakland CA 94621
Project #21113
July 19,2024(Issued)
ResponsesmustbereceivedAugust 8,2024,nolaterthan2:00p.m.
The Oakland Unified School District (“District”) is requesting proposals from experienced firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons or professional organizations (“Consultants”) to provide services in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) associated with the CCPA Site Expansion Project at Coliseum College Preparatory Academy Project (“Project”) which was formerly known as Havenscourt Middle School.
Interestedfirmsareinvitedtosubmita complete Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) and a detailed FeeProposal(collectively “RFQ/PPacket”)asdescribedbelowofthe requestedmaterials with a cover letter addressed to:
Oakland Unified School District
Kenya Chatman, Executive Facilities Director
Department of Facilities Planning and Management
955 High Street, Oakland, CA 94601
Oral,telegraphic,facsimile,or telephoneRFQ/PPacketswillnotbeaccepted.RFQ/PPacketsreceivedafterthisdateandtimewillnotbeaccepted.TheDistrictreservestherighttowaiveanyinformalitiesorirregularitiesintheRFQ/PPackets.TheDistrictalsoreservestherighttorejectanyandallRFQ/PPacketsandtonegotiatecontracttermswithoneormoreRespondents.
The District will only accept electronic Proposals sent via email in lieu of hard copies.  Proposals received by the District no later than 2:00 PM (Pacific Time) on August 8, 2024 via email will be accepted (to Juanita Hunter at juanita.hunter@ousd.organd the contact persons below).
If you have any questions regarding this RFQ/P and/or submitting proposal electronically,  please email Kenya Chatman at and cc: to Colland Jang at
District Modification: Based on the availability analysis conducted for CEQA Consulting Services, the District has waived its mandatory Local Business Utilization Policy requirement for LBE/SLBE/SLRBE certifications for this RFQ/P.
The District hereby affirmatively ensures that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“DBE”), Small Local Business Enterprise (“SLBE”), Small Emerging Local Business Enterprise (“SELBE”) and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (“DVBE”) firms shall be afforded full opportunity to submit qualifications in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, transgender status, political affiliation, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract.  No qualified disabled person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise by subjected to discrimination in any consideration leading to the award.

Oakland USD - CEQA Consulting Services for the CCPA Site Expansion Project at Coliseum College Preparatory Academy 1390 66th Ave, Oakland CA 94621 Project #21113

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