Public Legal Notices

Oakland Unified School District
Department of Facilities Planning and Management
955 High Street Oakland CA 94601
DSA Certified Project Inspectors
Santa Fe CCS Portables Project
915 54th Street, Oakland, CA 94608
Project #21115
August 30, 2024(Issued)
Responses must be received September 12, 2024, no later than 2:00p.m.
The Oakland Unified School District (“District”) is requesting proposals from experienced firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons or professional organizations (“Consultants”) to provide project inspection services associated with the California Children’s Services (CCS) Program at the Santa Fe campus (“Project”).
Interestedfirmsareinvitedtosubmita Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) and a detailed FeeProposal(collectively “RFQ/PPacket”)asdescribedbelowofthe requestedmaterials with a cover letter addressed to:
Oakland Unified School District
Kenya Chatman, Executive Director of Facilities
Department of Facilities Planning and Management
955 High Street, Oakland, CA 94601
Oral,telegraphic,facsimile,or telephoneRFQ/PPacketswillnotbeaccepted.RFQ/PPacketsreceivedafterthisdateandtimewillnotbeaccepted.TheDistrictreservestherighttowaiveanyinformalitiesorirregularitiesintheRFQ/PPackets.TheDistrictalsoreservestherighttorejectanyandallRFQ/PPacketsandtonegotiatecontracttermswithoneormoreRespondents.
The District will only accept electronic Proposals sent via email in lieu of hard copies.  Proposals received by the District no later than 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on September 12, 2024 via email will be accepted (to Juanita Hunter at juanita.hunter@ousd.organd the contact persons below).
If you have any questions regarding this RFQ/P and/or submitting proposal electronically,  please email Kenya Chatman at  kenya.chatman@ousd.organd cc: to Colland Jang at
District Modification: Based on the availability analysis conducted to create the pre-qualified pool of Project Inspectors, the District had waived the entire 25% SLBE/SLRBE requirement.  The minimum local business utilization requirement of 50% is still applicable for this RFQ/P and can be met with a 50% LBE participation. 
The Local Business Utilization Policy requires that there is a mandatory fifty percent (50%) LBU participation with a 25% or less Local Business (LBE) participation and a 25% or more Small Local or Small Local Resident Business (SLBE/SLRBE) participation for all capital program/construction-related contracts and professional services agreements. (See District Modification for this RFQ/P above).
On April 28, 2021, the Board of Education amended the Local Business Policy which had named the City of Oakland as the singular agency to certify local businesses to include five additional local business certifications.  For businesses located in Oakland, Local Business and Small Local Business certifications may also be accepted from the Port of Oakland, Alameda County Transportation Commission, Alameda County Department of General Services, US Department of Transportation California Unified Certification Program, and the California Public Utilities Commission.
The District will follow the City of Oakland Small Business size standards in recognizing Small Local and Small Local Resident Businesses.
The full version of OUSD’s latest Local, Small Local and Small Local Resident Business Enterprise Program can be found by going to the following link

Oakland USD - Santa Fe CCS Portables Project / Project #21115

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