Public Legal Notices

Subject to conditions prescribed by the University of California – UC Davis Health, responses to Design-Builder’s RFQP documents are sought from Proposers for the following Project and bid package:
Hospital Bed Replacement Tower (RHT) Project
UC Davis Health
Bid Package #RHT 16 Food Service Equipment 
Description of Work: Construction includes the building of a Replacement Hospital Tower (RHT). The RHT is a key piece of UC Davis Health’s strategy to achieve seismic safety compliance, additional service capacity, and operational improvements.  The RHT project is envisioned to comprise a minimum of +/-332 inpatient beds including ICU and medical/surgical, Acuity Adaptable (ICU capable rooms), complex procedure rooms, and imaging and support services.  The building option under consideration is approximately 909,000 BGSF of new space.  The proposed site is located on the east end of the existing hospital, adjacent to the Pavilion that houses primarily surgery, ICUs, the burn unit, and the emergency department. The RHT will be connected to the Pavilion. Utilities for the RHT will be supplied from the Central Utilities Plant.
Work in this bid package includes; construction services for Food Service Equipment scope for the RHT Project. All work included in this bid package will be performed under the authority and jurisdiction of HCAi. The California Tower of the RHT project has an overall Elemental Target Value (today’s dollars) of $950,000,000. This Bid Package Target Value is: $4,600,000.00
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. (MBC) has included qualifications for a qualifications-based competitive selection process for Trade Partner construction services relating to the Hospital Bed Replacement Tower Project (referred to in this RFQP as RHT). This Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQP) establishes the requirements for Lump Sum Proposal Submission by qualified Proposers. Lump Sum Proposals will be accepted only from qualified Proposers.
MBC reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to withhold the award of this project for any reason it may determine.
Procedures: Proposal documents will be available on September 4, 2024 and will be issued electronically at BuildingConnected to potential proposers.
Mandatory RFQP Information Session:An Informational RFQP Session will be presented by the Project Team on September 11, 2024, beginning promptly at 9:00 a.m. PST. Only proposers who participate in the pre-proposal conference in its entirety will be allowed to propose on this project. Participants shall utilize the following online video/conference call information hosted by Microsoft Teams Software:
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 276 391 934 371 
Passcode: xe4cgV
Proposals will be received electronically only at McCarthy’s designated BuildingConnected site.
Qualifications & Cost Proposals must be received on or before 1:00 p.m., October 2, 2024.
Bid results will be provided byOctober 4, 2024.
Proposal Security in the amount of 15% of the Lump Sum Base Proposal, excluding alternates, shall accompany each bid. The surety issuing the Bid Bond shall be, on the bid deadline, an admitted surety insurer (as defined in the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120)
All insurance policies required to be obtained by the trade partner shall be subject to approval by McCarthy Building Companies and University for form and substance. All such policies shall be issued by a company rated by Best as A- or better with a financial classification of VIII or better or have equivalent rating by Standard and Poor's or Moody's.
The successful proposer will be required to have the following California contractor's license at the time of the proposal opening: C38 Refrigeration, C61/D34 Prefabricated Equipment
{Optional:  Per section 1.5 of the RFP, If Facility elects to state a “Target Contract Amount” in addition to the Maximum Acceptance, then INSERT the following line before stating the Maximum Acceptance Cost:}
Target Contract Amount:  $
Every effort will be made to ensure that all persons have equal access to contracts and other business opportunities with the University within the limits imposed by law or University policy. Each Bidder may be required to show evidence of its equal employment opportunity policy. The successful Bidder and its subcontractors will be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents and to pay prevailing wages at the location of the work.
The work described in the contract is a public work subject to section 1771 of the California Labor Code.
California Wage Determination (2024-2) Date: August 22, 2024
No contractor or subcontractor, regardless of tier, may be listed on a Bid for, or engage in the performance of, any portion of this project, unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 and 1771.1. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.
The successful proposer shall pay all persons providing construction services and/or any labor on site, including any University location, no less than the UC Fair Wage (defined as $15 per hour as of 10/01/2017) and shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local working condition requirements.

University of California – UC Davis Health - Hospital Bed Replacement Tower (RHT) Project - Bid Package #RHT 16 Food Service Equipment

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