California Invests More than $2 Billion to Fuel Economic Opportunity, Increase Access & Protect the State’s Vital Transportation Infrastructure




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California Transportation Commission (CTC) today approved to improve and maintain a transportation system that serves as the backbone for the world’s fifth largest economy. The approved funding will support the next generation of transportation projects, ranging from bridge maintenance and rail system upgrades to enhanced railroad safety features and increased access for bicyclists and pedestrians. These benefits will help power economic opportunity as well as mitigate the effects of climate change.

The latest allocations include more than $483 million from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) and approximately $443 million from Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.

“We are committed to providing a world-class transportation system by making smart investments to upgrade our infrastructure and better serve all travelers,” said Caltrans Director Tony Tavares. “Increasing mobility for Californians demands a multi-modal approach that prioritizes improved safety, system-wide resiliency and sustainability, equitable access, and continued support for the efficient movement of goods and services that help fuel the state’s economic engine.”

Today’s investments include $103 million for the North Coast Corridor Rail project in San Diego County, a transformative effort designed to expand and upgrade passenger facilities, decrease rider travel times with a second rail line to bypass slower freight locomotives, and construction of a new bridge spanning the Batiquitos Lagoon. The funding allocations include $17.8 million to improve Highway 99 and State Route 68 in Tulare County; $10 million to provide Santa Barbara residents with cleaner, climate-friendly electric buses and chargers; and expand facilities for people who walk and bike, such as $3.5 million for Stockton’s East Channel Street Streetscape, which will install bike lanes and sidewalk extensions. In addition, projects approved will enhance safety at railroad crossings, including $5.9 million for improved signaling, signage, and gates at two commuter rail crossings in the city of Montebello.

The latest San Diego County CTC-approved projects also include:

  • $5,000,000 to Caltrans for I-805 at Telegraph Canyon Road in Chula Vista and I-8 at Los Coches Road in El Cajon to replace damaged culverts, install junction structures, replace damaged pavement, and install erosion control.
  • $4,614,000 to SANDAG for the Bayshore to Imperial Bikeway Project in the cites of National City, Chula Vista from Imperial Ave/47th Street in San Diego to J Street/Bay Boulevard in Chula Vista to construct continuous bicycle boulevards, buffered bike lanes, traffic circles, roundabouts, and intersection treatments.
  • $2,072,000 to the city of National City to construct bicycles facilities, two ADA ramps, as well as intersection improvements at Bay Marina Drive and Marina Way; and Harbor Drive/Civic Center Drive rail crossing.
  • $1,068,000 to San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (SDMTS)/SANDAG at the 12th and Imperial Transit Center for improvements to safety and security for passengers, and transit service delivery between the Orange Line. Expansion of service connections between all three SDMTS Blue, Orange, and Green Lines, as well as streamlining passenger access to essential services for San Diego residents and visitors.
  • $866,000 to Caltrans for I-5 in the city of San Diego at Clairemont Drive to repair bridge deck, replace traffic signal, make bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, and upgrade facilities to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
  • $800,000 to Caltrans for I-5, 0.3 miles north of SR-76 in the city of Oceanside to replace two culverts, remove debris, backfill the eroded area, and reconstruct the impacted pedestrian access.
  • $575,000 to Caltrans for I-5 Oceanside Boulevard in the city of Oceanside to replace a culvert, remove debris, backfill the eroded area, replace damaged dike, and pour a concrete ditch.
  • $575,000 to the city of El Cajon for an active transportation corridor project to construct one roundabout on Main Street and install Class IV bicycle facilities, improve sidewalks, and install traffic calming measures, pavement markings and three ADA curb ramps.
  • $500,000 to the city of San Diego for the San Diego CicloSDias Pilot. A public outreach program with a focus on Communities of Concern which will culminate in community events.
  • $305,000 to San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (SDMTS)/SANDAG for Blue Line Rail Corridor Enhancements. Installation of electric bus chargers at SDMTS’ South Bay facility for the buses servicing the Iris Rapid Route 925.
  • $78,000 to the city of Chula Vista for the F Street Promenade Phase I, from Bay Boulevard to Broadway. The project will construct a multi-use path for pedestrians and bicycles, high visibility crosswalks and midblock crossings, lighting, trees, bulb-outs, striping, signing, and roundabout. (IIJA)

IIJA, known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” is a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure to improve the sustainability and resiliency of our energy, water, broadband and transportation systems. Since 2021, California has received more than $42 billion in IIJA funds, including more than $29 billion for transportation-related projects.

In addition, SB 1 provides $5 billion in transportation funding each year that is shared between state and local agencies. Road projects progress through construction phases more quickly based on the availability of SB 1 funds, including those partially funded by SB 1.

For more information about California transportation projects funded by IIJA and SB-1, visit and


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