Sub Bid Requests


Increment 2 Building Construction
New Laurelwood Elementary School
Bid No. 1160
Santa Clara, CA
Santa Clara Unified School District
BID DATE:  January 28, 2025 @ 2:00 PM
We are soliciting quotes for (including but not limited to):
Trucking, Temporary and Permanent Hydroseed and Erosion
 Control Measures, QC/QA Testing, Striping, Sealcoat,
Erosion Control, Portable Toilets, Furnish Aggregate
Base, Furnish HMA, and Construction Materials
O. C. Jones & Sons, Inc.
1520 Fourth St., Berkeley, CA 94710 - 510/526-3424  FAX:  510/526-0990
Donat Galicz (510-809-3498 is the estimator on this project and is available to provide assistance or answer questions regarding the project scope of work including bid requirements, break out of bid items, plan or spec interpretation, bonding or insurance requirements, and other bid assistance. Plans and specs are available to review at our Berkeley office or can be sent out via Building Connected. PDF format quotes should be emailed to the estimator or faxed to 510-526-0990 prior to 12:00 PM on the date of the bid. Quotes from DVBE Subcontractors, Suppliers and Truckers are highly encouraged. OCJ is willing to breakout any portion of work to encourage DVBE participation. Subcontractors must possess a current DIR, Contractors License, and insurance and workers compensation coverage including waiver of subrogation.  OCJ may require Performance and Payment bonds on subcontracts. OCJ will pay the bond premium up to 2% of the contract value. Please contact OCJ for any assistance required by your firm in obtaining bonding or insurance. The US Small Business Administration may also assist you in obtaining bonding - please see the following site for information: Visit the California Access to Capital Program Financing Solutions website for additional resources for your small business -  OCJ is available to help obtain necessary equipment, material and/or supplies. All subcontractors are required to execute OC Jones’ standard subcontract agreement, comply with all insurance requirements, and name OCJ as additional insured.  Copies of our agreement and insurance requirements are available upon request.  OCJ is a Union contractor, and we are signatory to the Operating Engineers, Laborers, Teamsters, and Carpenters. OCJ is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

O. C. Jones & Sons, Inc. - Increment 2 Building Construction - New Laurelwood Elementary School Bid No. 1160

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