Sub Bid Requests



                              Tel: 510-639-1914
Mar Con Builders is bidding as a “General Contractor”, requesting bid quotations from all
San Leandro and Alameda subcontractors and suppliers for the following project;

Title: Mulford Marina Branch Library (Project No. 2018.2400)
Project Address: 13699 Aurora Dr, San Leandro, CA 94577
Bid Date: March 27, 2025, 3:00 PM PST

Project Description:     The work to be done consists of construction of a new library facility and
doing all appurtenant work in place and ready for use, all as shown on the plans and described in the
specifications with the title indicated in Paragraph 1 above, and on file in the office of the City
Engineer. Reference to said plans and specifications is hereby made for further particulars.
Please email us your Bid Proposal to at least 2 hours prior to the Bid Opening.

Mar Con Builders
8108A Capwell Drive, Oakland, CA 94621.
Estimator: Lauren Chen, Phone: 510-921-1586, Email:

Mar Con Builders - Mulford Marina Branch Library (Project No. 2018.2400)

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