Sub Bid Requests

Mountain Cascade Inc.
555 Exchange Court, Livermore, CA 94550 (925) 373-8370, Fax (925) 373-0940
Project:           Regional Treatment Plant (RTP) Medium-Low Voltage Upgrade Project
Owner:            Monterey One Water
Bid Date:         March 27th, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m.
We are requesting quotes from all qualified DBE/MBE/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers but not limited to:
Pipe Suppliers, CIDH Piles, Painting/Coating, Misc. Metals, HVAC.
Project Description:
Project Description: Construction of the CP310, RTP Medium-Low Voltage Upgrade Project at the

Monterey One Water Regional Treatment Plant. Work involves replacement of PG&E 21 kV
service; replacement of 21kV switchgear; replacement of 21kV-480V stepdown transformers; bus
duct connections; replacement of 480V distribution switchgear; replacement of 480V
cogeneration switchgear; replacement of 480V standby generator and standby generator
switchgear; new and modified control system components; new cable tray structural bridge; new
feeders to interconnect to existing process MCC feeders within dedicated marshalling cabinets;
structural retaining wall and concrete pad; civil infrastructure structural and electrical modification to the existing Power Generation; mechanical and architectural and other related improvements.
Engineers Estimate: $30 Million
Project information, including plans & specifications can be found by contacting:
Please feel free to contact Mountain Cascade, Inc. at 925.373.8370 with any questions concerning bonding, insurance, lines of credit, and job overview.  We look forward to your response.
Mountain Cascade Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer
California License # 422496

Mountain Cascade Inc. - Regional Treatment Plant (RTP) Medium-Low Voltage Upgrade Project

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